further reading
For a deep and poetic behind-the-scenes peek at our work on
the collective behavior of fireflies, I warmly recommend Vanessa Gregory's
Bright Flight
story in Harper's Magazine, March 2022.
For a thorough exploration of the biology and ecology of
fireflies, a few essentials:
- Lynn Faust's Fireflies, Glow-worms, and Lightning Bugs
- Sara Lewis's Silent Sparks
- Ben Pfeiffer's firefly.org
For immersive and inspiring photography:
- Mac Stone's National Geographic story
- Radim Schreiber's fireflyexperience.org
For the peer-reviewed scientific content (open-access):
- A mathematical creature lurking in swarms of Photuris frontalis (bioRxiv)
- Elusive synchrony in Arizona's Photinus knulli (Interface 2022)
- Waves and social networks in Photinus carolinus (Science Advances 2021)
- Firefly trajectories from 360-degree GoPro cameras (Interface 2020)
For even more on firefly collective behavior:
- The New York Times' perspective by Sabrina Imbler
- NPR's All Things Considered
- Smithsonian Magazine's piece by Courtney Holden